Migration from Travis CI to AWS CodeBuild

Since this is a static website, conversion of markdown to html was performed by Jekyll engine whenever any commit to github repository is performed. Travis CI was very good to integrate with github for all build/deployment of this website.The website has dependency on mainly 3 services viz github for editing markdown,Travis CI for build/deployment, AWS for hosting/caching the website.

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Separating build projects for different branches

By Integrating GitHub repository with AWS CodeBuild, it monitors every change in the repository and builds and deploys the website for every change,this is not desirable, Hence need to separate the Build and Deployment in the repository to different CodeBuild Projects. I have configure 2 build projects in codebuild one for master branch and one for draft branch, with this github will have 2 webhooks in the repository, which can be customized for which events it should trigger.

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Cloud9 Environment Setup

AWS Cloud9 provides IDE in the Browser, which is very good usecase for users who are on the go or limited time developers.The main considerations for this setup is to have a pilot light environment, which can scale if the need requires with minimal costs.with average utilization of the ~0.5 hours/Daily for 20 days, 10 hours/Month

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Scalable,Secure Blog in AWS

With a plan to build self managed blog platform which would inifinetly scale ,secure,flexible and cost effectiveness as key design principles below are details.

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